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South Carolina Delegation Visits Japan

Lieutenant Governor John Yancy McGill and Senator Kent M. Williams (pictured left and right respectively)

English Follows Japanese

サウスカロライナ州からの代表団は名古屋をご訪問しました。副知事 John Yancy McGill さんと上院議員 Kent M. Williamsさんは(それぞれ左右の写真)代表団の尊敬のメンバーの2でした。使命は、州への新たなFDIを誘致だけでなく、すでにビジネスをしている同僚の訪問や、新しいビジネス関係を築くためです。日本とサウスカロライナ州との関係を深めています。州には100社以上の日本企業への投資であり、代表団は14年間日本を訪問し続けています!500万人の労働力を持ち、主要なビジネスのハブへアクセスでき、また、米国で最も低い光熱費であるサウスカロライナ州は日本のために良い投資であり続けるだろう。

I had the pleasure of meeting with a delegation from South Carolina in Nagoya. Lieutenant Governor John Yancy McGill and Senator Kent M. Williams (pictured left and right respectively) were two of the esteemed members of the delegation. The mission of the delegation was primarily to attract new FDI to the State, but also to visit with business colleagues and to meet new friends. The relationship between Japan and South Carolina runs deep. There are more than 100 Japanese business investments in the State, and delegations have been visiting Japan for 14 years! With a workforce of 5 million, great access to major business hubs, and some of the lowest utility rates in the US, South Carolina has been, and will continue to be a great investment for Japan.

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