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Writer's pictureJon Hobbs

Understand & Protect Your IP seminar Temple University Tokyo


(Attendees Of Understand and Protect IP In The Parliament Room at Temple University Tokyo)

People from diverse backgrounds and fields attended our recent seminar at Temple University on how to understand and protect your IP (2 CLE credits were available for the seminar for attorneys). The seminar was well received with broad participation from the audience.

3 key themes emerged during the presentation, and during discussions with attendees.

1st: patent often, and patent a wide scope. The pace of technology has never been faster. In the early 1900's it took almost 35 years for 25% of the US population to purchase a telephone. In comparison it took just 5 years for the smart phone to reach the same level.

2nd the pace of technology has overtaken our understanding of it in many cases. In order to remain relevant in our fields (whether a doctor, lawyer, accountant, politician) it is imperative that we learn how to understand technology. Technology is best learned by applying the lego block theory. Just as a semiconductor is built in layers so too can most any complex technological process be broken down into pieces and steps.

3rd patent troll litigation is not yet inevitable, but it's becoming more and more frequent for small and medium sized companies. Frank Fletcher shared his insights into managing patent troll litigation for Sun Microsystems and Nero (German software company).

(The Ambassador of the Kingdom of Bahrain Tokyo attended our seminar)


あなたのIPを学ぶと保護(2 CLEクレジットは弁護士のためのセミナーに利用可能でした)。セミナーは観客からの幅広い参加を受けながら進行しました。


第一:多くの場合の特許、および広範囲の特許について。以前は技術のペースは速くありませんでした。 1900年代初頭では、米国の人口の25パーセントに電話が普及するのに、ほぼ35年を要しました。それに対して、スマートフォンが同じレベルまで普及するには5年しかかかりませんでした。


第三:パテント・トロールの訴訟はまだ避けられないが、それは中小企業にとってますます頻繁になってきています。フランク・フレッチャー氏は、Sun Microsystems社とネロ社(ドイツのソフトウェア会社)のパテント・トロールの訴訟を管理する上での彼の洞察を共有しました。

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